we discuss what is electricity and the type of electricity and give some interview questions & answers.

What is electricity
Electricity is a short of energy that minces the flow of electron free from easily through the conductor is known as electricity. All matter is an atom and the center of an atom is called a nucleus. The nucleus can contain electron, proton, and neutrons. Such as the electron is negative charge particles, a proton is positive charge particles, and Neutrons is an uncharged particle. The nucleus of an atom is surrounded by negatively charged particles ic know as an electron.
Electricity is a form of electrons.


Electricity is a form of energy.


Electricity is the flow of electrical charge particles such as electron or proton.

Electricity is a form of energy.


Electricity is the flow of electrons.

What is electricity

Electricity is the flow of electricity charged Particles (such as electrons or protons)Electricity is the flow off electrical power or charge. It is a secondary energy source which means that we get It fro the conversion of other sources Of energy, like coal, natural gas. Oilnuclear Power and another natural source. Which is called the primary source of the energy source we use to make electricity.

What is the type of electricity?

There are two types of electricity.

1-static Electricity

2-dynamic Electricity

Static electricity

It is made by rubbing together tow more objects and making friction while current
is the flow of electric charge around an electric field.

Static Electricity EX=- Rub a balloon on wool and hold it up to the well.

Dynamic Electricity 

EX- Generator, Powerplant, Battery, and many chemical Reactions.

What is AC?

In Alternating current the magnitude and direction changes with respect to time.

What is  DC?

The magnitude and value and direction do not change with respect to time.

What is voltage?

The potential difference between two points is to know as voltage/pressure.

Unit of voltage - volt

Symbol of voltage-v

What is current?

The flow of electron in a closed path is called current.

What is electricity

The flow of electric current in one direction in a conductor is known as current.

Unit of current - Ampere.

What is the transformer?

What is electricity

The transformer is an electrical static device (why static – Because

 no Rotating part). It used for voltage increase (step-up ) or voltage

 decries (step down) between circuit .transformer works Faraday’s 

Low of Electromagnetic Induction.

  • Simple electric circuit symbols.

simple electric circuit symbols

  • Interview questions and answers

1-The S.I Unit of an of a Power is-
 (A) Hennery   (B) Coulomb   (C) Watt    (D) Watt-hour


2- The Resistance of a Human Body is around

(A) 5ohms    (B) 25 ohms    (C) 250 ohms     (D) 1000ohms


3-Graph of alternating current is a

(A) Cos wave   (B) Tan wave   (C) Curve    (D) Sinewave

Ans-sing wave 

4-The frequency of domestic power supply in India is
  (A) 200 Hz    (B) 100 Hz    (C) 60 Hz     (D) 50 Hz

Ans- 50 Hz

5-Process in which A.C is converted into D.c is called

(A) Induction  (B) Rectification  (C) Inversion (D) Dispersion


6-A component that allows only unidirectional current to pass through it is

(A) Resistor  (B) Inductor (C) Transformer  (D) Diode


7-In transformer, alternating current is induced in

(A) Primary coil  (B) Secondary coil  (C) Iron core (D) Resistor

Ans-secondary coil

8- if the output voltage is greater than the input voltage, then transformer is

(A) Step up  (B) Stepdown (C) Faulty   (D) Fatal

Ans-step Up

9-In Transformer Ratio of voltage is equal to the ratio of

(A)iron sheets in core  (B)coils of Transformer

(C) number of turns in coil  (D) all of the above

Ans-number of turns in coil

10-Highest point on AC graph is known as

(A) Peak value  (B) Amplitude (C) Frequency  (D) Wavefront

Ans- Peak value

11- If four 10 ohm resistance ate connected in series, then the total Resistance will be

(A) 2.5 ohm  (B) 10 ohm  (C) 40 ohm  (D) 20 ohm


12-if three 60 ohm resistance are connected in parallel then the effective total Resistance will be

(A) 7.5 ohm  (B) 20 ohm  (C) 180 ohm  (D) 60 ohm

Ans-20 ohm

13-If Four  10 uF capacitor is connected in parallel, then the net capacitance will be

(A) 2.5 uF  (B) 40 uF  (C) 0.4 uF  (D) 20 uF


14- if three 60uF capacitance are connected in series, then the effective capacitance will be

(A) 7.5 uF  (B) 20 uF  (C) 180 uF  (D) 60 uF

Ans-20 uF

15-Electrolytic capacitance can be used for

(A) A.C. only (B) D.C. only (C) Both AC&DC  (D) 50Hz

Ans-D.C. only

16- The P.F of a Purely resistive circuit is

 (A) Zero   (B) Unity    (C) Lagging     (D) Leading

Ans- Unity

17-A single-phase induction motor

(A)Is self-starting (B)Operates at an affixed speed 

(C)Is less reliable than a three-phase synchronous motor

(D)None of the above

Ans- none of the above

19- The power factor of a D.C. circuit is always

(A)Less than unity (B)Greater than unity  (C)Unity (D)Zero


20- Power factor of the electric bulb is

(A) Zero  (B) Lagging  (C) Leading  (D) Unity


21- Power factor of an inductive circuit is usually improved by connecting  capacitor to it in

(A) Parallel  (B) Series (C) Either (A)or (B)  (D) None of the above


22- Power factor of the following circuit will be unity

(A) Inductance  (B) Capacitance (C) Resistance 
 (D) Both (A)& and (B)

Ans- Resistance

23-In a highly capacitive circuit the

(A)Reactive Power is more than the apparent power

(B)Reactive power is more than the actual power

(C)Actual power is more than its reactive power

Ans- Reactive power is more than the actual power